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Cutaneous Oncology Clinical Database and Biospecimen Bank

The Melanoma/Cutaneous Oncology Group at CINJ has the goal of advancing the scientific knowledge of skin cancers including melanoma, merkel cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma to develop more effective prevention and therapy strategies.

The main objective of this clinical database and biospecimen bank is to collect and store clinical information on patients with skin cancer, with or without associated biospecimens, that we will use for future research focused on prevention, prognosis, treatment, and quality of life for patients with skin cancer.

Protocol Number: 002233
Phase: N/A
Applicable Disease Sites: Melanoma, Skin
Scope: Local
Participating Institutions:
  • Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
    • Principal Investigator
      • Sarah Weiss MD

For further information about clinical trials, please contact us at 732-235-7356.