Breast Cancer Resource Center


Articles and Blogs

Calendar displaying an appointment for a mammogram in the month October for Breast Cancer Awareness MonthMammograms are Crucial to Women’s Health: Here’s why
While researchers continue to make advancements in cancer detection and treatment for breast cancer, one of the best ways to tackle the disease is through early detection and screening with mammography. Read more

Three generations of smiling Mexican women with blouses with floral patterns in a row holding their shoulders against a white backgroundThe Impact of Breast Cancer on the Hispanic/ Latina Community: Answers from an Expert
While there are more options for women diagnosed with breast cancer now more than ever as a result of advances in research and targeted therapies, outcomes vary among women of different races and ethnicities, including people within the Latina and Hispanic community. Read more | Ver artículo en español

Dr. Coral Omene speakingWhy Breast Cancer Clinical Trials Need to Include More Black Women
Researchers are working to improve outcomes for Black women with breast cancer – including through increased participation in clinical trials, which helps find better ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer. Read more

group of women in shirts wearing pink breast cancer ribbonsOncoplasty: Breast Cancer Surgery with Cosmetic Results
Women have more options made possible by the dynamic field of oncoplastic surgery, a combination of cancer surgery with traditional plastic surgery techniques to remove breast cancers and leave the remaining breast as intact as possible. Read more

Happy multiracial senior women having fun together at parkBreast Cancer Screening: Understanding Risk and Age
The most effective screening tool for breast cancer is a mammogram, which uses low dose X-rays to create images of the breast. Fortunately, when breast cancer is detected early, it is easier and more successful to treat, which is why all women should learn about screening regardless of their age. Read more

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infographic describing the most common signs and symptoms of breast cancer including new lumps or masses, swelling, skin irritation or dimpling, breast or nipple pain, nipple retraction, redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or skin, or nipple discharge other than breast milk infographic displaying information that in 2022 there will be an estimated 287580 new cases of female breast cancer and an estimated 43520 deaths from the disease infographic displaying information on male breast cancer, including that 2700 new cases will be diagnosed in men this year with approximately 530 deaths. Symptoms for male breast cancer include breast lumps or swelling, nipple inversion, nipple discharge, pain or pulling sensation in breast, skin puckering or dimpling, scaliness or redness of the breast


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Breast Cancer