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Our nationally recognized physicians are specialty trained in medical oncology, radiation oncology or surgical oncology with disease-specific expertise in a particular cancer type(s). Many of our physicians hold leadership positions in national and international organizations sharing their expertise with colleagues around the world and helping to shape the future of cancer treatment.
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  • Haejin In, MD, MPH, MBA,
    Haejin In, MD, MPH, MBA, FACS, FSSO
    • Chief Diversity Officer
    • Associate Director for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
    • Surgical Oncologist
    • Associate Professor of Surgery, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
    • Associate Professor of Health, Behavior and Policy, Rutgers School of Public Health

Our nationally recognized physicians are specialty trained in medical oncology, radiation oncology or surgical oncology with disease-specific expertise in a particular cancer type(s).  Many of our physicians hold leadership positions in national and international organizations sharing their expertise with colleagues around the world and helping to shape the future of cancer treatment.