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Phase III Study of Local or Systemic Therapy INtensification DIrected by PET in Prostate CAncer Patients with Post-ProstaTEctomy Biochemical Recurrence (INDICATE).

Primary Objectives:
1. For patients without PET-evidence of extrapelvic metastases, to evaluate whether the addition of enhanced systemic therapy to SOC salvage RT could prolong PFS.

2. For patients with PET-evidence of extrapelvic metastases, to evaluate whether the addition of metastasis-directed RT to enhanced systemic therapy and SOC salvage RT could prolong PFS.

Secondary Objectives:
1. To evaluate overall survival in each arm.

2. To evaluate event-free survival in each arm.

3. To evaluate time to PSA progression using Prostate Cancer Working Group(PCWG) 3 criteria in each arm.

4. To assess the incidence of adverse events with the addition of enhanced systemic therapy in patients without PET-evidence of extrapelvic metastases.

5. To assess the incidence of adverse events with local ablative metastasis-directed RT for PET-positive metastatic disease in patients with PET-evidence of extrapelvic metastases.

6. To estimate the detection rate of PET/CT at the patient and regional level, and to evaluate its concordance with the follow-up FDA approved conventional imaging modalities considered standard-of care (SOC) per institution, including CT, bone scintigraphy, MRI and PET imaging performed as PET/CT and/or PET/MR using 11C-Choline and/or 18F-Sodium Fluoride.

7. To determine the distribution of PET-positive lesions among anatomic
sites (prostate fossa, intrapelvic soft tissue/lymph node, extrapelvic soft tissue/lymph node, and bone metastases) in patients with post RP BCR, correlated with PSA (level, doubling time, velocity) and other relevant clinical parameters.

8. To determine the value of repeat PET at time of second PSA progression, or 12 months after completion of enhanced systemic therapy, whichever comes first (PET2) to assess response to therapy (enhanced systemic therapy +/- focal RT and/or ADT) compared to standard response assessments (PSA and CIM).

Protocol Number: 082104
Phase: Phase III
Applicable Disease Sites: Prostate
Drugs Involved: Apalutamide
GnRH agonists
Principal Investigator: Tina Mayer M.D
Scope: National
Therapies Involved: Chemotherapy multiple agents systemic
Participating Institutions:
  • Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria

Please note that we have obtained the inclusion and exclusion criteria information from the National Institutes of Health’s clinical trials web site The listed criteria may not necessarily reflect recent amendments to the protocol and the current criteria.

For further information about clinical trials, please contact us at 732-235-7356.